Black Beauty Page 7
They were just going home to dinner when the footman came down to thestable to say that Joe was wanted directly in master's private room;there was a man brought up for ill-using horses, and Joe's evidence waswanted. The boy flushed up to his forehead, and his eyes sparkled. "Theyshall have it," said he.
"Put yourself a bit straight," said John. Joe gave a pull at his necktieand a twitch at his jacket, and was off in a moment. Our master beingone of the county magistrates, cases were often brought to him tosettle, or say what should be done. In the stable we heard no more forsome time, as it was the men's dinner hour, but when Joe came next intothe stable I saw he was in high spirits; he gave me a good-natured slap,and said, "We won't see such things done, will we, old fellow?" We heardafterward that he had given his evidence so clearly, and the horses werein such an exhausted state, bearing marks of such brutal usage, that thecarter was committed to take his trial, and might possibly be sentencedto two or three months in prison.
It was wonderful what a change had come over Joe. John laughed, and saidhe had grown an inch taller in that week, and I believe he had. Hewas just as kind and gentle as before, but there was more purpose anddetermination in all that he did--as if he had jumped at once from a boyinto a man.
21 The Parting
Now I had lived in this happy place three years, but sad changes wereabout to come over us. We heard from time to time that our mistress wasill. The doctor was often at the house, and the master looked grave andanxious. Then we heard that she must leave her home at once, and go toa warm country for two or three years. The news fell upon the householdlike the tolling of a deathbell. Everybody was sorry; but the masterbegan directly to make arrangements for breaking up his establishmentand leaving England. We used to hear it talked about in our stable;indeed, nothing else was talked about.
John went about his work silent and sad, and Joe scarcely whistled.There was a great deal of coming and going; Ginger and I had full work.
The first of the party who went were Miss Jessie and Flora, with theirgoverness. They came to bid us good-by. They hugged poor Merrylegslike an old friend, and so indeed he was. Then we heard what had beenarranged for us. Master had sold Ginger and me to his old friend,the Earl of W----, for he thought we should have a good place there.Merrylegs he had given to the vicar, who was wanting a pony for Mrs.Blomefield, but it was on the condition that he should never be sold,and that when he was past work he should be shot and buried.
Joe was engaged to take care of him and to help in the house, so Ithought that Merrylegs was well off. John had the offer of several goodplaces, but he said he should wait a little and look round.
The evening before they left the master came into the stable to givesome directions, and to give his horses the last pat. He seemed verylow-spirited; I knew that by his voice. I believe we horses can tellmore by the voice than many men can.
"Have you decided what to do, John?" he said. "I find you have notaccepted either of those offers."
"No, sir; I have made up my mind that if I could get a situation withsome first-rate colt-breaker and horse-trainer, it would be the rightthing for me. Many young animals are frightened and spoiled by wrongtreatment, which need not be if the right man took them in hand. Ialways get on well with horses, and if I could help some of them to afair start I should feel as if I was doing some good. What do you thinkof it, sir?"
"I don't know a man anywhere," said master, "that I should think sosuitable for it as yourself. You understand horses, and somehow theyunderstand you, and in time you might set up for yourself; I think youcould not do better. If in any way I can help you, write to me. I shallspeak to my agent in London, and leave your character with him."
Master gave John the name and address, and then he thanked him for hislong and faithful service; but that was too much for John. "Pray, don't,sir, I can't bear it; you and my dear mistress have done so much forme that I could never repay it. But we shall never forget you, sir, andplease God, we may some day see mistress back again like herself; wemust keep up hope, sir." Master gave John his hand, but he did notspeak, and they both left the stable.
The last sad day had come; the footman and the heavy luggage had goneoff the day before, and there were only master and mistress and hermaid. Ginger and I brought the carriage up to the hall door for the lasttime. The servants brought out cushions and rugs and many other things;and when all were arranged master came down the steps carrying themistress in his arms (I was on the side next to the house, and could seeall that went on); he placed her carefully in the carriage, while thehouse servants stood round crying.
"Good-by, again," he said; "we shall not forget any of you," and he gotin. "Drive on, John."
Joe jumped up, and we trotted slowly through the park and through thevillage, where the people were standing at their doors to have a lastlook and to say, "God bless them."
When we reached the railway station I think mistress walked from thecarriage to the waiting-room. I heard her say in her own sweet voice,"Good-by, John. God bless you." I felt the rein twitch, but John made noanswer; perhaps he could not speak. As soon as Joe had taken the thingsout of the carriage John called him to stand by the horses, while hewent on the platform. Poor Joe! he stood close up to our heads to hidehis tears. Very soon the train came puffing up into the station; thentwo or three minutes, and the doors were slammed to, the guard whistled,and the train glided away, leaving behind it only clouds of white smokeand some very heavy hearts.
When it was quite out of sight John came back.
"We shall never see her again," he said--"never." He took the reins,mounted the box, and with Joe drove slowly home; but it was not our homenow.
Part II
22 Earlshall
The next morning after breakfast Joe put Merrylegs into the mistress'low chaise to take him to the vicarage; he came first and said good-byto us, and Merrylegs neighed to us from the yard. Then John put thesaddle on Ginger and the leading rein on me, and rode us across thecountry about fifteen miles to Earlshall Park, where the Earl of W----lived. There was a very fine house and a great deal of stabling. We wentinto the yard through a stone gateway, and John asked for Mr. York. Itwas some time before he came. He was a fine-looking, middle-aged man,and his voice said at once that he expected to be obeyed. He was veryfriendly and polite to John, and after giving us a slight look hecalled a groom to take us to our boxes, and invited John to take somerefreshment.
We were taken to a light, airy stable, and placed in boxes adjoiningeach other, where we were rubbed down and fed. In about half an hourJohn and Mr. York, who was to be our new coachman, came in to see us.
"Now, Mr. Manly," he said, after carefully looking at us both, "I cansee no fault in these horses; but we all know that horses have theirpeculiarities as well as men, and that sometimes they need differenttreatment. I should like to know if there is anything particular ineither of these that you would like to mention."
"Well," said John, "I don't believe there is a better pair of horses inthe country, and right grieved I am to part with them, but they are notalike. The black one is the most perfect temper I ever knew; I supposehe has never known a hard word or a blow since he was foaled, and allhis pleasure seems to be to do what you wish; but the chestnut, I fancy,must have had bad treatment; we heard as much from the dealer. She cameto us snappish and suspicious, but when she found what sort of placeours was, it all went off by degrees; for three years I have never seenthe smallest sign of temper, and if she is well treated there is nota better, more willing animal than she is. But she is naturally a moreirritable constitution than the black horse; flies tease her more;anything wrong in the harness frets her more; and if she were ill-usedor unfairly treated she would not be unlikely to give tit for tat. Youknow that many high-mettled horses will do so."
"Of course," said York, "I quite understand; but you know it is not easyin stables like these to have all the grooms just what they should be. Ido my best, and there I must leave it. I'll remember what you have saidab
out the mare."
They were going out of the stable, when John stopped and said, "I hadbetter mention that we have never used the check-rein with either ofthem; the black horse never had one on, and the dealer said it was thegag-bit that spoiled the other's temper."
"Well," said York, "if they come here they must wear the check-rein. Iprefer a loose rein myself, and his lordship is always very reasonableabout horses; but my lady--that's another thing; she will have style,and if her carriage horses are not reined up tight she wouldn't look atthem. I always stand out against the gag-bit, and shall do so, but itmust be tight up when my lady rides!"
"I am sorry for it, very sorry," said John; "but I must go now, or Ishall lose the train."
He came round to each of us to pat and speak to us for the last time;his voice sounded very sad.
I held my face close to him; that was all I could do to say good-by; andthen he was gone, and I have never seen him since.
The next day Lord W---- came to look at us; he seemed pleased with ourappearance.
"I have great confidence in these horses," he said, "from the charactermy friend Mr. Gordon has given me of them. Of course they are not amatch in color, but my idea is that they will do very well for thecarriage while we are in the country. Before we go to London I must tryto match Baron; the black horse, I believe, is perfect for riding."
York then told him what John had said about us.
"Well," said he, "you must keep an eye to the mare, and put thecheck-rein easy; I dare say they will do very well with a littlehumoring at first. I'll mention it to your lady."
In the afternoon we were harnessed and put in the carriage, and as thestable clock struck three we were led round to the front of the house.It was all very grand, and three or four times as large as the old houseat Birtwick, but not half so pleasant, if a horse may have an opinion.Two footmen were standing ready, dressed in drab livery, with scarletbreeches and white stockings. Presently we heard the rustling sound ofsilk as my lady came down the flight of stone steps. She stepped roundto look at us; she was a tall, proud-looking woman, and did notseem pleased about something, but she said nothing, and got into thecarriage. This was the first time of wearing a check-rein, and I mustsay, though it certainly was a nuisance not to be able to get my headdown now and then, it did not pull my head higher than I was accustomedto carry it. I felt anxious about Ginger, but she seemed to be quiet andcontent.
The next day at three o'clock we were again at the door, and the footmenas before; we heard the silk dress rustle and the lady came down thesteps, and in an imperious voice she said, "York, you must put thosehorses' heads higher; they are not fit to be seen."
York got down, and said very respectfully, "I beg your pardon, my lady,but these horses have not been reined up for three years, and my lordsaid it would be safer to bring them to it by degrees; but if yourladyship pleases I can take them up a little more."
"Do so," she said.
York came round to our heads and shortened the rein himself--one hole,I think; every little makes a difference, be it for better or worse, andthat day we had a steep hill to go up. Then I began to understand whatI had heard of. Of course, I wanted to put my head forward and take thecarriage up with a will, as we had been used to do; but no, I had topull with my head up now, and that took all the spirit out of me, andthe strain came on my back and legs. When we came in Ginger said, "Nowyou see what it is like; but this is not bad, and if it does not getmuch worse than this I shall say nothing about it, for we are very welltreated here; but if they strain me up tight, why, let 'em look out! Ican't bear it, and I won't."
Day by day, hole by hole, our bearing reins were shortened, and insteadof looking forward with pleasure to having my harness put on, as I usedto do, I began to dread it. Ginger, too, seemed restless, though shesaid very little. At last I thought the worst was over; for several daysthere was no more shortening, and I determined to make the best ofit and do my duty, though it was now a constant harass instead of apleasure; but the worst was not come.
23 A Strike for Liberty
One day my lady came down later than usual, and the silk rustled morethan ever.
"Drive to the Duchess of B----'s," she said, and then after a pause,"Are you never going to get those horses' heads up, York? Raise them atonce and let us have no more of this humoring and nonsense."
York came to me first, while the groom stood at Ginger's head. He drewmy head back and fixed the rein so tight that it was almost intolerable;then he went to Ginger, who was impatiently jerking her head up and downagainst the bit, as was her way now. She had a good idea of what wascoming, and the moment York took the rein off the terret in order toshorten it she took her opportunity and reared up so suddenly that Yorkhad his nose roughly hit and his hat knocked off; the groom was nearlythrown off his legs. At once they both flew to her head; but she wasa match for them, and went on plunging, rearing, and kicking in a mostdesperate manner. At last she kicked right over the carriage pole andfell down, after giving me a severe blow on my near quarter. There is noknowing what further mischief she might have done had not York promptlysat himself down flat on her head to prevent her struggling, at thesame time calling out, "Unbuckle the black horse! Run for the winch andunscrew the carriage pole! Cut the trace here, somebody, if you can'tunhitch it!" One of the footmen ran for the winch, and another broughta knife from the house. The groom soon set me free from Ginger and thecarriage, and led me to my box. He just turned me in as I was and ranback to York. I was much excited by what had happened, and if I had everbeen used to kick or rear I am sure I should have done it then; butI never had, and there I stood, angry, sore in my leg, my head stillstrained up to the terret on the saddle, and no power to get it down. Iwas very miserable and felt much inclined to kick the first person whocame near me.
Before long, however, Ginger was led in by two grooms, a good dealknocked about and bruised. York came with her and gave his orders, andthen came to look at me. In a moment he let down my head.
"Confound these check-reins!" he said to himself; "I thought we shouldhave some mischief soon. Master will be sorely vexed. But there, if awoman's husband can't rule her of course a servant can't; so I wash myhands of it, and if she can't get to the duchess' garden party I can'thelp it."
York did not say this before the men; he always spoke respectfully whenthey were by. Now he felt me all over, and soon found the place above myhock where I had been kicked. It was swelled and painful; he ordered itto be sponged with hot water, and then some lotion was put on.
Lord W---- was much put out when he learned what had happened; he blamedYork for giving way to his mistress, to which he replied that in futurehe would much prefer to receive his orders only from his lordship; butI think nothing came of it, for things went on the same as before. Ithought York might have stood up better for his horses, but perhaps I amno judge.
Ginger was never put into the carriage again, but when she was well ofher bruises one of the Lord W----'s younger sons said he should liketo have her; he was sure she would make a good hunter. As for me, I wasobliged still to go in the carriage, and had a fresh partner called Max;he had always been used to the tight rein. I asked him how it was hebore it.
"Well," he said, "I bear it because I must; but it is shortening mylife, and it will shorten yours too if you have to stick to it."
"Do you think," I said, "that our masters know how bad it is for us?"
"I can't say," he replied, "but the dealers and the horse-doctors knowit very well. I was at a dealer's once, who was training me and anotherhorse to go as a pair; he was getting our heads up, as he said, a littlehigher and a little higher every day. A gentleman who was there askedhim why he did so. 'Because,' said he, 'people won't buy them unless wedo. The London people always want their horses to carry their heads highand to step high. Of course it is very bad for the horses, but then itis good for trade. The horses soon wear up, or get diseased, and theycome for another pair.' That," said Max, "is what he said in my hearing,and
you can judge for yourself."
What I suffered with that rein for four long months in my lady'scarriage it would be hard to describe; but I am quite sure that, had itlasted much longer, either my health or my temper would have given way.Before that, I never knew what it was to foam at the mouth, but nowthe action of the sharp bit on my tongue and jaw, and the constrainedposition of my head and throat, always caused me to froth at the mouthmore or less. Some people think it very fine to see this, and say, "Whatfine spirited creatures!" But it is just as unnatural for horses asfor men to foam at the mouth; it is a sure sign of some discomfort,and should be attended to. Besides this, there was a pressure on mywindpipe, which often made my breathing very uncomfortable; when Ireturned from my work my neck and chest were strained and painful, mymouth and tongue tender, and I felt worn and depressed.
In my old home I always knew that John and my master were my friends;but here, although in many ways I was well treated, I had no friend.York might have known, and very likely did know, how that rein harassedme; but I suppose he took it as a matter of course that it could not behelped; at any rate, nothing was done to relieve me.
24 The Lady Anne, or a Runaway Horse
Early in the spring, Lord W---- and part of his family went up toLondon, and took York with them. I and Ginger and some other horses wereleft at home for use, and the head groom was left in charge.
The Lady Harriet, who remained at the hall, was a great invalid, andnever went out in the carriage, and the Lady Anne preferred riding onhorseback with her brother or cousins. She was a perfect horsewoman, andas gay and gentle as she was beautiful. She chose me for her horse, andnamed me "Black Auster". I enjoyed these rides very much in the clearcold air, sometimes with Ginger, sometimes with Lizzie. This Lizzie wasa bright bay mare, almost thoroughbred, and a great favorite with thegentlemen, on account of her fine action and lively spirit; but Ginger,who knew more of her than I did, told me she was rather nervous.